
Thursday 11 July 2013

Settling in

Hi Peeps

Needless to say I made it to Cape Town, safe and sound. Hero was an absolute angel on the journey down, no getting car sick, no messing in no barking at people in the hotel. So he then blighted his record by pooping on the new carpets right in front of the Landlady within five minutes of our arriving! She was ticked off! Oh well, there is nothing that can make you look as common as dogs and children. The new flat is really nice and big, but kinda lacking in cupboard space, my beads are still occupying the floor, sigh! The place is on the first block from the beach front, so I can hear the sea (depending on the wind direction) from my patio, and Hero and I now go walking there regularly. In fact here are some pictures of our first day out on the beach. The South Easter was pumping and the kite surfers were out in force.

Kite surfers out at Muizenberg
Hero enjoying the wind in his ears

Running away from the surf

I think the only people enjoying the beach that day were the kite surfers!

We are still settling in slowly. Hero cried a lot whenever he was left alone on the first few days. But I got him a new kennel and between the warmer weather and get his getting used to a new schedule he seems to be calming down. I should ask my landlady but Im a bit scared to disturb the water too much, but she hasnt complained. So I will let you know how things are going.
Love Jet