
Monday 28 January 2013

Celtic Knot

Hi guys

I completely forgot about the blog yesterday, I was very busy preparing some figures for my dissertation and it just slipped my mind. So I am writing quickly now on the excuse that I'm warming my brain up for some real work (LOL)! We had a little rain in Joburg last night which was a nice break from the week long heat wave that has been gripping the highveld. They recorded a temperature of 38C in Pretoria last Friday! It was actually chilly this morning when I got up, although looking at that beautiful blue sky its not going to last long.
Anyway Saturday's market was nice. More people there than I expected. More interest was being shown in my stuff and quite a few people stopped to look at the Dawn at the Beach necklace (see it on the my website). For some reason it just caught people's eyes. But we still didn't have many sales. But I'm going to hang in there a little longer as at the moment I am not selling anywhere else.

I just wanted to show you this necklace I made for myself. The design is from Diane Fitzgerald's book Shaped Beadwork. Its a celtic knot shape all done in delicas with peyote stitch and is surprisingly simple and easy to make. I'm not selling it as its not one of my own designs. But doing projects by other artists can grow your skill levels and inspire and her book had certainly improved my work. She shows the reader simple tricks for creating shapes with peyote stitch and her method for starting new threads and ending off is so simple that I now use it in all my bead work and I no longer avoid starting and ending threads which has certainly made my life easier.

Anyway I can see my dissertation document giving me the evil eye, so I better get back to it. Keep well and I will blog again next week.
Love Jet

1 comment:

  1. How did used the their link on the project, I'm confused on the directions.
