
Friday 11 January 2013

2013 on a roll

Hi Peeps
The new year has got off to a bang. I have finished a draft of the first half my discussion and sent it to my supervisor which has been my mission for the last week and a half and which is why I have been so quiet recently!
On the beading side of life I have one new order which I will show you next week. It is for a good customer who phoned me up out of the blue saying she needed a bracelet for a good friend, a blue one. And that was it. So she has basically given me Carte Blanche to create. So I have made some thing with some gorgeous pearls I had lying around. I also have some other blue bracelets already in the collection which I will also show her so she has got some choice.
I am soo looking forward to this weekend as I have several pieces I want to make including some gemstone necklaces that are absolutely my favourites. I have also been reading some more new beading books and am itching to try my hands at some of the designs in them! Hopefully this weekend is good on the creative front and I will have some fabulous new designs for you next week!

Unfortunately I cant upload any pictures today as the internet here is being very tempermantal, but I will make up for it next week.

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