
Saturday 19 January 2013

Flame agate collection

Hi Peeps
I have had a busy week. I sat down with my supervisor on Wednesday (which is never a good idea!) to set a deadline for submission of my dissertation. We have decided to main for the end of February deadline rather than apply for an extension to March. This is good as the end is finally in sight, except that I still have a lot (and I mean a heck of a lot) of work still to do my my dissertation so the stress is now on! The consequence of all this is that I now need to knuckle down and focus my efforts on finishing and everything else (including life) will have to take a back seat. So I apologise now in advance if I become a little non responsive over the next month and a half. Please dont panic I have not died, although I think I will probably want to near the end!

Anyway I promised to show you the bracelet a friend ordered a few weeks ago.

I took the long tubular pearls -I just love the "oil slick" colour of these - and strung a double strand with some daisy spacers between pearls. Then on one strand, just off of center I strung the dove charm. In the end however the friend didnt take this bracelet, but took another I had just made, in a style that is becoming my best sellers.

Agate Bead Jewellery

 These are my absolute favourite beads. A local bead seller imports them. Flame Agates in a number of sizes and colours. I have made several different designs out of the blues shown below and have never hung on to any of them long!

 Here we have a princess length necklace in blue agate on blue string with knots between each bead. This versatile necklace has the class of a strand of pearls but with more flare and colour. The blue is absolutely gorgeous.

 The necklace if finished with a box clasp decorated with a crystal. and is one of those few designs that strays in place, the clasp doesn't slide forward around the neck. Needless to say I can't resist wearing this necklace at every possible opportunity!

To match the necklace I then made a double strand bracelet, also pearl knotted, with 6 mm agates and it was that bracelet that I sold last week. However two others saw the bracelet and then ordered more, and this one above is one of those orders. Below is a closeup of the agates in the bracelet, simply divine!

Having made matching necklaces and bracelets I then had to make earrings. First a stack of agates and then for those who like earrings with a bit of swing the dangle version.

You might have guessed from all this that blue is my favourite colour, the one I always gravitate towards but as I said this seller stocks many colours:
 First we have this gorgeous green that I have already started stringing with a soft green string.

Here is a trio of different colours, I am afraid this was the last picture I took and the colours have not come out particularly well. The bottom string is mixed shades of brown, black and white, which I want to mix with greens for an earth colour palette. Then in the middle is a soft, almost blue, grey colour. And finally the top strand are black and bright pink, the colour is called strawberry, and I think it would look great as part of a black and pink bead embroidery!
Damn! I'm supposed to be thinking about varsity not making up new designs LOL!

Well I think thats all I have time for today. Dont expect to hear from me before next weekend. Best of luck with everything.
Love Jet
PS my first name is Brigette, but I prefer to be called Bridget, its easier. So the Jet for Jet's Creations (my mom picked out the name) comes from the end part of my name Brid-get.

News Flash! 
22Jan 2014
For anyone interested in purchasing an agate necklace go to my Etsy page!

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