
Monday 7 April 2014

Dog troubles - Conclusion

Hey peeps

It has literally taken me this long to work up the emotional strength to get back to this blog (in addition I have done nothing interesting recently), but here we are. To let you know the outcome of my landlady-dog issues after the last message that I described to you all there was no further communication for the rest of that week. Friday (or D-day) when we were going to meet again came and went without a word from her. I will admit that I was supposed to get in contact with her myself before then but I still kinda feel that its better not to stir things (I think that is actually my justification for just being too scared!). Anyway when I did eventually speak to her she was happy as a pig in mud told me how happy my dog was and since then everything has been great.

I will however provide this advice to any others suffering similar issues. When I received the first message from my landlady, what I should have done was phone her back immediately, ask for more information and assured her clearly and firmly that I would do everything possible to rectify the issue. I suspect that my "silence" made her think that I was not trying to address the issue. A remark made by my brother was also very resonant. If you are at the meeting stage try to arrange things in such a way that she is not (in her head) in a position of telling you off, as that is a position that you cant reason with, try keep your position even. I also feel that it is important to take the time in your first few days (or even weeks) in  a new place to get the dog settled in properly no matter what happens in the rest of your life (like some moron driving into the back of your car!).

Anyway I will find something more amusing for you in my next post. 

The Culprit

Monday 3 March 2014

Craft Beer Project

First the latest development with my landlady. If you are tired of my whining please scroll straight down to the beer part!

This exercise is destroying my nerves. Then I am up and next thing Im down! Yesterday afternoon it rained so the earth leakage tripped. Lightly were still working but all the plugs were dead. Appears that the new outside lights must have gotten water in them. I send my landlady an sms about the electricity (clearly thats how one should communicate) and in that message I added that I have videos from the weekend to show her. No responce. I see her in the driveway after our walk (in the rain) she scurries away from me as fast as she can. I am maniacally unhappy by this point.

Later I get a call from her about the electricity (she only got my message then). She was back to the happy, concerned, reasonable person I had first met. I again tell her that I have videos to show her "that will put your mind at rest". She says no. She hasnt heard him on the weekend, she is happy that he is not crying. I am overjoyed. I sleep like an absolutely baby that night - seriously I dont think I moved. This morning I see there is a new sms from her. Its a bit problematical this house is old with very thick walls so the reception is dodgy so messages and phone calls often dont get through, so I am generally unsure what time messages were actally sent. But the new sms states: "Please dont get a camera I am convinced hero is lonely no need for animal behaviourist either I feel a dog daycare may be necessary". 

Okay can someone please explain this to me? If she is happy that he is not crying then what is she still complaining about? As long as the dog is not disturbing anyone then how is he's emotional state or well being any of her concern?
She is also cutting down my options severely. On one hand she might just be trying to save me the money for these expensive "treatments" on the other hand its means I have less ammunition to fight my side. I really dont know what to do now - except go house shopping. I have called a local day care but (as per my recent luck) the daycare people were not available for me to talk to them. And thats not exactly gonna come cheap.

Anyway time for a beer (or several)

The Craft Beer Project is something like a club or fan base for craft beer brewers and drinkers.

 Craft beer has in more recent years become much more popular and new microbreweries have been steadily poping up all over the show. I was introduced to craft style beers during my jaunt in the UK after I finished school and its great to be able to get more of these beers and at better prices (since its not all imported). 

Mitchell's is one of the oldest microbreweries in the country.

On Saturday afternoon (when I should have been purchasing a camera) I went along with a friend to the Constantia Craft Beer Project where many local and few international microbreweries were showing off their wares and Damn it was good.

Great beer and some surprisingly good locking guys serving it!

This is a mobile bar! You can hire them to do the bar at events!
 There were a few breweries there that I had heard about and many more that I had never heard of, but they were all good and passionate about their subject. We tasted everything from light beers to dark, German, Belgium, American and English style beers. Even gluten-free beers and coriander beers (these were amazingly good).

You could buy tickets online before and your entry came with a free glass. You then needed to buy a pack of beer tokens that were used as currency during the event. There was also great food and even some hot rods to admire and bands to dance along to. There were even 2 token wine stalls for the wives that had been dragged there by their husbands.
Hot Rods

 I found many new beers that I want to try out some more in the future. In fact I trundled along to the bottle store the next day having forgotten that it was Sunday and that the bottle store would be closed. I cant seems to remember anything or think clearly at the moment. I hope its just all the stress and that it will pass - eventually - someday.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Pet monitoring

UPDATE (Sunday)
Well the meeting went appallingly! She basically teared me a new bum-hole! She explained how frantic and distressed my dog was - like I dont know what that looks like. She has come to the conclusion that the dog has been in such a state for the entire 2 weeks. In fact the only time she has heard him barking was the 2 days that I got messages from her to that effect.

She gave me a speech about how terrible it was and how its worse for an animal to be in that state cos they are even more voiceless (How do you like the irony of that one?). The underlying message in all this is that I clearly dont care for my animal or care about his well being! She goes on to say that she cant have this on her conscience or her Karma!
First of all its not her responsibility and secondly how will her Karma be cleaner for throwing me out after less than 2 weeks? She just wants the moral high ground - probably cos she knows on some level that she is out of line!
When I told her "you have to give me time to fix this" (that was me begging) she then explained that we were playing by her rules and not mine!I honestly stood there for a whole minute just staring at her I did not know what to say to that. Here I am begging for clemency. It is an absurd accusation. She is the one with all the power I am in no position to do anything but beg.

When I eventually persuaded her that I was going to try fix this (what does she think I have been doing for the last week?) she very, very grudgingly agreed to give me a week. Till next friday. So that basically gives me no time at all. When I explained that there were still thing we could try she demanded to know what they were (aggressively). I think the worst part was her telling me how reasonable she was being giving me a week while I am biting through my lip not to tell her what an unreasonable B* she is actually being. I still dont understand why she is so angry with me or how we reached this point in 3 days, without ever having a chance to discuss anything. Its common practice and decency to give the tenant time to resolve an issue. But I suppose that is too common for her!

Basically she believes cos she "is much older than me with more experience" and based "on her own experiences with lonely dogs" that this problem cant be fixed. She adamantly refuses to accept that a solution is possible. Nor does she believe me when I said (many times!) that this is not a problem I have had with this dog before. Clearly she knows my dog better than I do.

I have to admit a part of me feels like my efforts in the next week are going to be pointless, it doesnt matter what I do. She has already made up her mind - we have got to go. I also suspect that even if I can prove the problem is resolved it may just be an excuse to get rid of me for whatever reason. Its also suspicious that the dog next door is still absent. There is also the consideration that the relationship between her and me may already be broken beyond repair. Either way if we cant reach an agreement and she doesnt feel that the problem is resolved then she will give me 2 months notice. The irony, she will probably find a new tenant before the ink is dry on the ad, whereas I may well not find something for us within the 2 months. Not that she cares about that at all.

I cried for many an hour after our meeting. The next morning I set up my tablet in the window and set it to video. It only records a maximum for 45 min but for 40  of those mins absolutely nothing happens. The dog wanders around for a bit after I leave and eats some of the stuff I left for him and then he hops inside and goes to sleep. That afternoon I set up the laptop in the bedroom. it also bottoms out after an hour but its clear the dog is not distressed during that time. he doesnt make a sound.

I am going to get a Gopro camera just now (I phoned my brother for recommendations, after the shop assistants I spoke to yesterday were all useless) that will record a whole day - that will be a seriously boring tape! I suspect that part of the hurry is that friday was month end (the shops were insanely busy) and that is why she does not want to wait.

Anyway I will show her the videos - got to find a way to do that without giving it an I-told-you-so air that might aggravate her. I will let you know what happens. But if she gives me notice she is getting a piece of my mind. You cant do this to a person without getting any kind of come-uppance (I know it wont help and life is not fair and all that jazz, but Im tired of being stomped on and being powerless to do anything about it)!

Oh you know what my father said when I told him? "Welcome to the real world" Thanks dad your sympathy is touch! And my mother wonders why I never want to tell him my problems - he always makes me feel like its my fault (hey often it is, which is when his attitude just compounds the guilt).

Anyway had an awesome time with a friend Sat afternoon at a craft beer festival held near my home, it was super. I will try do a post on it, just to relieve that monotomy of my housing problems!
Keep well
PS anyone else run into these kinds problems with landlords and dogs?

Friday 28 February 2014

Dog troubles

To paraphrase one of my favourite movies "The god must hate me!"

On Wednesday I get an sms from my new landlady "Hero cried all day yesterday pls dont let that happen again very distressing for him and everyone who has to hear him"

Ok, first I panic, then I go out and spend almost R400 that I dont have (its not yet payday) on treats and toys and all kinds of entertainments.

No sooner do I get to my desk the next morning then I get another message "your dog is very unhappy and is destroying the woodwork frantically scratching". Where is he scratching? what woodwork? How long has this been going on for? WTF?

More panicking. So I phone her - Which is what she should have done in the first place! - to get the details. No she went home for lunch on Tuesday and he was crying the whole time. On Wednesday I left about 7. got the message about 8. called her about 9. Dont know how long it went on. But he had eaten some of the stuff I had left for him, so it wasnt for the entire day. And when I got home I couldnt hear him crying.

Well during that phone call she shat on me from a dizzy height. It was unacceptible (she says), like no you think?

I didnt know what to say to her, I was so disappointed that the other stuff hadnt worked and scared.
I wont lie that conversation reduced me to tears. And I had to go out that evening!

Well he seemed quite calm when i got back last night. We have not even been there 2 weeks and our routine is out, Im sure he just needs some time. I dont understand why its a problem this week and not last week. Only thing thats really changed is that the dog in the neighboring cottage is MIA this week, maybe he was taking comfort from her presence?

Anyway this morning there is an email " Please can we meet this evening or at 1pm tomorrow to discuss the fact that Hero is not happy/lonely. I feel that my house is not suitable for you".

I have felt sick since I read it. I am also starting to feel just a bit pissed off. He is not a toy I cant switch him off! And she is being unreasonable! How can she say that without even giving me a chance to fix the problem or to address the issue. there are several solutions that I have not yet had a chance to try.
I could take him to the sitters everyday, or a dog daycare or even call in a dog behaviourist but I need time to try these! What the hell am I going to do?

I will go to the meeting tonight and beg for month's probationary period. But if she throws me out I think it might be seriously time to rethink this Cape Town move.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Happy birthday to me!

It has been quite a week!
On Sunday I moved out of Muizenberg, in 38 degree heat with about 80% humidy, into a lovely little cottage in the quiet and peaceful suburb of Constantia. In fact im sitting in the garden right now typing this! On Monday it was my birthday. I actually went into the department with cupcakes at lunch time just to hear someone say happy birthday! How did I celebrate my birth day people have been asking, well I sat in the pool at home on my own drinking whiskey! Just in case you were wondering I have no friends. On Tuesday I had the best birthday present a girl could ask for, some moron rear-ended my car 2 blocks from my house!
Today I discovered that the dreaded office move has happened in my absence! First I open my office to find all my stuff in one corner and the new occupants desk right in the center of the room. I think she might be trying to tell me something! A little later one of the big cheeses starts badgering me about moving. She even walks me up to the new large shared office so I can pick a spot. Only problem is that all the other ocupants are already moved in. So that the only spaces that remain is one right next to the door or the back corner where there are no windows! Does it really matter at this point what I choose? Finally just to round off a bad day/week I hear that an attendence record is being kept for all the students and that our future space allocation will be dependent on our attendence over the next month! Well I say they can shove their attendence record where the sun dont shine! How can a person be expected to produce a thesis if they dont even have a desk?

I was reflecting today that more bad things have happened to me in the 6 months that I have lived in Cape Town than in the 6 years I was in Joburg - I think the universe is trying to tell me somthing!

Friday 24 January 2014

Karoo Summer Cuff

I have to make a confession. I have had a project to show you for a long while now and for a number of reasons have not posted it. The project is a bracelet that I have named: My Karoo Summer Cuff.

Karoo Summer Cuff

The primary materials of this cuff; ostrich eggshell beads, brown picture-stone and pale green ultrasued, inspired the name. In the summer, after the rain the arid brown Karoo comes alive with sprinklings of green. I know you are supposed to be inspired by nature and then make something but that has never worked for me!

Choosing materials for a new project is always fun!
I started out with the ostrich eggshell beads and the
green ultrasuede and went from there

Made with ostrich egg-shell beads, seed beads (mostly size 15), pictures stone chips, rounds and others all embroidered onto pale green Ultrasuede. 

The final selection. Its about choosing complementary
 colours and textures. I got the patterned ultrasuede
 from Beads East. Ironically its finish is called ostrich skin!

The actual inspiration behind this design? Ostrich eggshell beads.
I love ostrich egg-shell beads (OEB). They have the most beautiful, delicate texture on their surfaces and every bead is handmade and unique. And I thought to myself what a pity it was that those surfaces often got covered up in the way they were utilised. For more examples of OEB jewellery check out my Bushman Beading post. 

I wanted to find a way to display the front of the beads where all the delicate detail could be seen.

A chain-mail network of size 15 beads
holds the eggshell beads in place.

The difficulty was finding an interesting way to attach the flat beads without obscuring the front too much. Then I had the idea of doing something like a chain-mail effect, using seed beads to "tie" the OEB into place. I think it actually worked quite nicely. 

My pieces tend to grow quite organically. I will have a concept for a surface embellishment or focal section and will just create the remaining parts as I create the piece, they are never fully thought out first and never sketched.

Creating a quick markup of the design elements. This is the
 place to test colours and design. Its also a chance to play
 around with finishing ideas like fringing. And to see
 how focal beads will compare to the detailing.
The result I think was quite effective. Sorry I dont have any pictures of the making process, I was having too much fun to stop and take pictures!

Closeup of the focal

A few picturestone rounds break the monotomy


The final design

"Thing" modelling the cuff

Backview showing the closure.

I sent in pics of the bracelet to Bead and button magazine, but they were unfortunately not interested in publishing it. I contemplated trying another magazine but just did not get around to doing so. One of the reasons I have only now posted this to the blog.

There are more exciting things coming up soon (I have been busy), so stay tuned...
Love Jet

Wednesday 15 January 2014

DiepKloof Rock Shelter

Happy new year to one and all. I hope everyone had an excellent holiday and is well rested for the new year. I know I am, it was bliss not having to go anywhere near my computer feeling a lot better in both body and mind as a result.

I want to tell you about our trip to Diepkloof Rock Shelter.

Diepkloof is a middle-stone-age deposit sitting in a spectacular, large rock shelter atop a koppie.

The shelter commands amazing views over the surrounding landscape. Although you need the skills of a mountain goat to get up to the shelter!

Diepkloof is positioned above the bank of the Verlorenvlei River and is about 14Km for the Atlantic coast, meaning that that the shelter represents prime real-estate and middle-stone-age man.

Excavations have been continuing here for over 10 years and there have been a number of important discoveries. We visited the site the day before the team arrived to start the last field season at Deipkloof. So as you can see from all the sandbags the site was closed, but still well worth the visit!

In the picture above you can clearly see the different sediment layers. This is one of the deepest points in the excavation (somethig like 3 or 4 m) and the excavators believe that they are almost at the bedrock.

The remains of many animals have been discovered at Diepkloof like these mandibles

(Steele and Klein, 2013, Journal of Archaeological Science)
 Or and probably most famous of all are the pieces of engraved ostrich eggshell. Some of the pieces of eggshell can be fitted together and clearly come from the same egg. Researchers believe that people must have been using ostrich eggs as water containers (as the Kalahari San do today). The engraving was probably used to identify individual containers.

(Texier et al, 2010, PNAS)
It has been a dream of mine for some years to visit Diepkloof, which I had heard so much about and Im glad I got this opportunity to do so.
I hope you are keeping well and I will try to do some more beading to show you!

PS: I just discovered there is a Wikipedia page on Diepkloof Rock Shelter if you want more info on the site