
Monday 11 February 2013

Weekend Calamity!

Hi peeps

Well I hope you had a better weekend than I did!
Firstly the Valentines market in the village was a bit of a fiasco! We took the gazebo along to cover our table with. This is not one of the modern gazebos that opens up like a concertina, this is the old fashioned kinds with poles and corner pieces. After 10min of staring at the mass of poles and metal bits, my mother and I realised that we simply had no idea how to put this thing up! Fortunately for us two lovely gentlemen proved that chivalry is not dead and decided to help. 20 min later when I finished setting up the table and I look around and our two white knights have put the gazebo up. Except that one leg is now bigger than the other! Ok clearly something is wrong, so all four of us changed some poles around, now the gazebo had 4 legs of the same size. Only now the gazebo cover doesnt fit. Now gazebo covers do not shrink in the wash, so this thing still wasnt up right. But clearly the novelty of this task had worn off, as our knight simply tied our gazebo to the neighbouring one and disappeared. I think the funniest moment in this saga was when one of these men complemented me on my Afrikaans (this was rather patronising, as most Afrikaaners think English speakers cannot speak Afrikaans). I was a good girl and did not respond my pointing out that the last time someone put this gazebo up it had been an Englishman and had taken him all of 10 min!
The market was going great there was lots of people up to about 6.30. Then a couple raindrops started falling and the sky looked like there was going to be one hell of a storm. So exhibitors started packing up and customers stormed out. By 7pm the rain was gone, as were the customers and most of the exhibitors! So the market was officially over and guess how many sales we made, Zero! I was pretty disappointed and ticked off!
My father and brother appeared just after we finished loading all the gear back into the car. Typical men. So while they were busy mucking about I proceeded to pack all the market gear into my own car, dispelling my fathers belief that it would not fit! Image a smug smile on my face. So the next day I took my car to the Walkerville market and continued to have a bad day, this market was extremely quiet, even worse than the last one! Sigh, R300 in market fees and not a damn cent to show for it! I have been adviced about some other markets to try, but unless I am doing something wrong, markets just dont seem to be the right avenue for my jewellery.
Oh yes on Sunday I spent the whole day cleaning my cottage as the place looked like homeless people had been living in it. And this morning I gave a lecture to some of the new students in the department. So I am now seriously contemplating a nap!
Sorry I dont have any pictures from the valentines market, I was going to take later in the evening but the rain arrived first.
This was the first time I took my dog and he was an absolute angel, I am so impressed by his behaviour!
Well the week has to pick up from this point! Have a good time wherever you are.
Love Jet

Monday 4 February 2013

Valentines Market

Hi peeps!

We just had a massive afternoon thunderstorm hit Joburg! Seriously it was raining in through my closed windows! The windows are pretty old fashioned and they just dont seal properly. So I was frantically moving huge boxes of books left by my last office mate before they got completely soaked!

Anyway. Got some good news coming up this friday is a new market. The Valentines Market in the Village. Which will be held in Centurion, near Joburg. See the flyer below

My brother who lives at Heritage Hill, put me on to this market. It should be the sort of environment where my jewellery will sell. But it means extra organising. Firstly they have their own requirements for the look of exhibitor's stalls, like white table covers (I'm lending my mothers white table cloth) and a gazebo and fairly lights! The market goes on from 4pm to 9pm, by which time it is dark. But it is being held in the "rose garden" so there is no electricity! That means I have to buy battery operated fairy lights and camping lights in order to light up my stall. On top of that my parents are going away this weekend and all the market equipment, tables, boxes etc are kept at their home. Trying to organise for everything to be delivered to centurion on friday, and then for me to lend the car on saturday and return my mother and her car to their respective homes at the appropriate times requires a PhD level in organising skills!
Still should be worth it! Ill will let y'all know how it goes. Good luck with all your craziness wherever you are.
Love Jet