
Sunday 30 June 2013

Artwork beading - African style

Hi peeps

Today I said goodbye to my home of the past four years and I am currently homeless until the middle of next week when I drive down to Cape Town. It has taken several days to pack up my modest one bed flat, but I am flattened by how much stuff I have accumulated there. Here is a picture of the packing process and by process I mean chaos!

One afternoon this week I took a pause from packing to go and get some lunch at the local Woolworths. As I was driving up the beaded statues of a local artisan caught my eye.  Now you see these things everywhere in SA and I have I have to admit they have never appealed to me, but these pieces of beaded art were just calling out my name!  This is why you should never go shopping on an empty stomach! Anyway I bought firstly a little rabbit statue.

For me it represents my Masters which I have just finished as rabbits figured highly in the work I was doing. These pictures which I snapped off quickly when I got home dont do it justice. But it was the Kudu artwork that really spoke to me.

Isnt it cool? I had to put it up the moment I got home even though Im actually taking all my pictures down.

In the above picture you also get to see the horrible custard yellow colour of my walls. If I never see a yellow wall again it will be too soon!

I am very impressed with the skill and workmanship of these pieces. And while bright colours are not usually my style I think this will make a great focal piece (once I have somewhere to hang it)! I cant wait to get it to Cape Town even although as the flat is fully furnished all my other pictures are staying. I just want to bring a bit of Jozi flavour to the Cape with me to brighten up those rainy winter days!

I am making the journey next week. I will let you know how it does.

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