
Thursday 13 December 2012

Crochet kick

Hi guys
Cant wait for the holidays to start. Not because I am going to relax and do nothing but because I have so many crafty tasks and stuff I have got to do at home ;)!

The latest Walkerville Market went reasonably well, I wasn't there I was hiking in the Drakensberg which was fun! So my poor mother had to hold the fort in my absence. On that note We will be at the Walkerville market on this Saturday 15 Dec, where the choir will be singing carols and on the  17 Dec (which is a local holiday) where there will be a beer making demo. The final Walkerville market for the year will be on the 22 Dec where Santa will be holding court of the kiddies. So make a draai out this way for something to do.

Recently I have gotten onto a crochet kick, which was a great way of making the long car journeys go further! I have been trying my hand at many of the blocks from Jan Eaton's book 200 Crochet blocks.I have been itching to get some wool and start trying my hand at a blanket but couldn't decide which patterns I wanted. Then I heard two days ago that a friend of mine just had her first baby. I am so excited for her! So now I am inspired I'm gonna make a blanket for her little girl. I still had no idea what I wanted to make so I hit the Internet looking for inspiration.

This is a blanket make from Jan Eaton's designs that will be my inspiration for my first crochet blanket
The details about this design can be found at The Purlbee
 This is where Pinterest really comes into its own. Yes its a great way to waste time and fun to look at all the pictures but what I really like is that you can pin loads of pictures from sites and go back to those sites later without having to remember web addresses or try and retrace your steps through the search engine, really Pinterest is a "social media" thing well worth using, and this is coming from someone that hates facebook!

I have found time in the last week or so to do some beading and I will get the pieces on the blog and website soon as I can, although I have already sold two of them!
See ya.

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