
Monday 9 September 2013

eThuka Artisan Jewellery

Hi Peeps

Those of you that venture occasionally onto the website may have noticed that it has not been working. This is because of some changes that I have been making. I have decided to change the business name. Jet's Creations doesn't have a much sex appeal and it doesn't indicate what we are selling. So I have decided to change the name. I have therefore decided to let the domain name for the website go (you have to renew yearly at a fee) and this is why the website no longer works.
The new name is eThuka Artisan Jewellery. eThuka is a Zulu name meaning surprise. Its short, catchy, rolls off the tongue easily and adds a little African touch. After all we are in Africa so we might as well flaunt it!

To go with the new name I have designed a logo that can be put into pictures of my creations. This means that no matter where my pictures land up on the internet they can still be attributed to me.

I initially thought an actual image of some kind would be good but couldn't think of anything so I made the name itself into the logo. Which actually works quite well.

Here is a necklace I made (its from an old post) with the logo put in. Looks good eh? Thanks to Jonah for showing me the software for making these images!

I wont be putting a new website together immediately, I think its time in any event to upgrade to a better quality website anyway. But I am in the process of creating an Etsy shop, which should be up soon. I will let you know when!

Keep well all
Love Jet

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