
Tuesday 12 November 2013

Cedarburg Workshop Part One - Pakhuis Pass.

Hi All
Last weekend's workshop was such a good trip that it has taken me till after this weekend to get over it!
I am going to split-up my reminiscence of the trip into a few blog posts, if only not to bore you into tears! here is the first part.

No, on a serious(-ish) note it was a great trip and I am glad I went on it. So we departed on Friday the 1 Nov and headed north up the west coast (some 40 km or so inland thereof) into the Cedarburg Mountains.

We traveled through a number of small towns, Citrusdal (named that for the local produce) and on to Clanwilliam before climbing the Pakhuis Pass - which is beautiful. Before finally arriving at a small resort in the mountains called Traveller's Rest. All the pictures shown here are views going over the pass and were taken on my phone.

We arrived at Traveller's Rest in time to get settled in and have a few drinks before dinner (the food was rather good). We were staying in small and somewhat rustic chalets some distance from the eating and conference location. It was amazing how quiet it was. I was knackered after a long week and killed out early.

Although it was something of a challenge trying to find my chalet by starlight that evening, as we had not though to leave any lights on and there is no light pollution (or cell phone reception) out there! It did mean seeing some of the most beautiful starry skies I have seen in a long time. Wish we had taken more time to enjoy the stars, but all us city slickers didnt think of that!

The workshop was attended by archaeologists (Both VIP's and UIP [Unimportant persons]) from all around the globe including South Africa; Borbeaux, France; Tubigen, Germany; Canda; America and Sweden.

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