
Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

Its Halloween!!! And what a hellish week it has been!
Found this picture here:

Unfortunately the 1st of November seems to have some magical significance in the Cosmos as in the next 12 hours I have to get about one hundred things done, this blog not being one of them!
Two out of three funding opportunities that I am applying for (for next year) have to be submitted tomorrow. Writing funding applications is a laborious, difficult and above all long process and getting the application document plus a encyclopedia's worth of supporting documents submitted in both hard and digital copies by the deadline is always a stressful matter. Now double that panic as there are two of them due at the same time. So my desk (and the inside of my head) are looking a little chaotic of late!

This document will be unrecognizable by the time I am done with it!

My desk with papers spread everywhere

So the fates decided that I was clearly not working hard enough. On Tuesday I get a message from the co-authors of a paper we submitted for publication. I should just pause here to say that my first ever paper has been accepted for publication with minor changes and that if we complete these changes and submit by (you guessed it) 1 November it will be published in the last volume of the year! YaY!! One of the things that needed changing was the figures (pictures of the fossils described in the paper). They have taken new pictures of the fossils and so now I need to reconstruct the figures (I had assumed that the person taking the new pics was going to do this so it caught me by surprise). Well its now 9 pm on Thursday evening and I have reconstructed nothing. Fortunately (I heard this morning) the editor of the journal has given us an extension until Wednesday. Shooh!

And on top of all this I am going away this weekend and have done no packing or sorting out for that either! This trip is a archaeological workshop in the Cedarberg mountains. We will be seeing and discussing many talks of varying subjects and visiting several important archaeological sites. I will tell you more next week. All I can say is that after this week I need the break!

And this is just a taster to show that I have not been up sitting on my butt complaining but have been beading

Testing out new techniques

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the real world!! As you say the cosmos is always at the ready to provide you with challenges before you become too complacent. I hope that you had an amazing weekend in the Cedarberg and that you got all your challenges sorted in time. Your new techniques look very interesting.
