
Wednesday 16 October 2013

Sense of humor failure

Boy can that little, innocent furry brown cockroach can get under my skin some days!
To give this story some context I must first explain that last week the little monster rolled in fresh, stinky poo of the human variety (which, believe you me is extra smelly - proof that we are more disgusting than animals!). Thus I had to give him a bath the instant we got home that night which is a pain in the bum. First I have to climb into the shower, then I have to manhandle him into the shower, scrub him up and then clean the WHOLE bathroom afterwards, which requires a mop and bucket to remove all the splashed water. I was particularly annoyed cos I actually want to send him to the parlor for a trim, so now that has to wait.

Well last night, as I am loading the varmit (good word that) into the car I smell that smell. So I grab his head and before I have even gotten my face near his back to give it the sniff test I had confirmation, he has done it again!

Well my sense of humor did not so much fail as have a complete meltdown! I was tired, I was hungry and now I was absolutely furious!

The problem with being mad at a dog is that shouting doesnt help. They have no clue what you are going on about and simply give you the thousand-yard stare. So I resorted to that ultimate female fall back The Cold-Shoulder, combined with the women's nuclear weapon The Silent Treatment! From the moment we got home I didnt talk to him, make eye contact anything! It wasnt long before he had slunk off to his bed looking miserable.

It should probably be said in his defense that he still had no idea why I was so mad, but he did know who I was mad with!

About half an hour (or 1 episode of the Big Bang Theory) and a snack later my sense of humor decided to make a reappearance and I was now ready to deal with the problem. So I start by giving him the sniff test, only to discover that there is no smell on his back - what I am smelling is his breath! Ok thats disgusting enough on its own but it means that I dont have to wash the little monster and that I have been punishing him for nothing!

So morel of the story: Im a bi***and my dog is an angel. Although if (when) he does this again Im buying him doggie breath mints (if such things exist!).

I know I owe you some feed back on the show, everytime I have sat down to do a post on it I either forgot my hardrive (with the photos) or the internet wasnt working, but I promise its coming!

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