
Tuesday 30 October 2012

End of year fever

Thats a good expression for that end of the year feeling isnt it? That feeling of lots of work and short deadlines. That feeling that life has grabbed the bit between its teeth and is running off with you and you no longer have any control over it. I dont know about any of you , but that is what the last few weeks have been like for me. My uni work has hotted up in a big way as I only have a few  months left to finish. On top of that I have several jewellery deadlines that I cant miss, like wedding jewellery ;).
The last two days have been a flat panic to get my application in for starting my PhD next year. On that note I will be upping sticks next year and moving down to Cape Town to start at the the uni down there (UCT). The reason I am moving is because there is an opportunity to work at the fossil site Langebaanweg, outside of Cape Town. It is a fantastic Miocene (5 million year old) site with lots of extinct mammal remains, that I have long wanted to work at. So I am very excited about the move.
Don't worry Jet's Creations and all my cool jewellery will still be available in the highveld. I will still be visiting often.

The Fat Olive Show on Saturday went well. It is such a peaceful setting in the gardens there with the fountain playing. it really is worth a visit. I think the new stall design is a big improvement that is really working much better, so I am very happy. All that hard work really paid off there.

As you can imagine all this hard work means that there hasnt been very much time for jewellery making  so I am afraid I dont have very much to show you. I have completed a lovely order for a customer and I will take pictures of it as soon as possible.
ok peeps keep well, and dont succumb to the fever!

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